Ajna system

Ajñā System:
Ajñā system consists of Ajñā Chakra. Second Bindu, Manas Chakra, Indu Chakra and a Site of Mahanada.

1. Ajñā Chakra:
Ajna ( आज्ञा) Agya, Ajneya, Brow chakra or third eye chakra, is the sixth primary chakra in the body . It is the mind center. It signifies the subconscious mind and it has the direct link to ultimate reality. 
 The Ajna chakra is located in the center of the forehead between the eyebrows.The location makes it a sacred spot where Hindus apply a tilak bindi to show reverence for it.
Kshetra : Bhrumadhya
The  Bhru means 'eyebrow' and Madhya means 'centre'. Therefore, the meaning of bhrumadhya is 'eyebrow centre'. This exactly describes the location, of this point. It is also called drikuti - 'the dwelling place at the eyebrows'.
The Ajñā chakra and bhrumadhya are really part of the same centre. Ajna chakra at the top of the spine is connected directly to the bhrumadhya between the two eyebrows by a psychic passage called Maha-nadi. Therefore, stimulation of bhrumadhya will also stimulate Ajñā chakra. 
Ajna chakra appearance:
Ajna Chakra is described as a transparent lotus flower with two white petals, which represent the Ida nadi and Pingala nadi.The vibrations of these Nadis are represented by the  letters:- (Ham, हं) and (Ksham, क्षं).  They meet the central Sushmna nadi in the Ajñā Chakra. The Chakra is of pure white colour or like that of the full moon. This Chakra corresponds to Tapo-Loka. The corresponding centre in the physical body is at the Cavernous Plexus and pituitary gland. The letter "ham" (हं) written in white on the left petal represents Shiva, while the letter "ksham" (क्षं) written in white on the right petal represents Shakti.
Inside the pericarp of the flower is the Hakini Shakti or Chit Shakti.Hākinī personifies the energy of the Ajna Chakra. Hakini Shakti is one form of Shakti, the divine mother goddess and consort of Shiva who represents the Creative energy and energy of the universe.
Cit-Shakti is Cit, as the Shakti or energy. Cit is not the mind. Mind is a medium through which Cit manifests. Cit is behind the  mind and creates or manifests through mind. Cit-Shakti  is internal spiritual mind power or creative power present in both Jeevatma(individual) and Paramatma(God). Using this inherent power of the mind one can create what one wants.
Manifestation of Cit is intensely obscured by the tamoguna of Prakriti-shakti. 
(Established in the end of the sixteen, she pervades the Void and discerns reality in the darkness of Māyā).

In the center of the lotus there is downward-facing triangle and OM syllable. Triangle along with the lotus flower represents Wisdom and Enlightenment. Syllable OM  connects it to the Divine.
The downward-pointing triangle above Hākinī  contains a white lingam known as Ithera lingum.
Ithera linga or Mahalinga:
In the Ajna Chakra there resides a two-petaled lotus, inside of which is found the Shakti Trikona or Yoni. Inside the trikona or triangle exists the Itara Shiva linga white in colour which shines with electrifying brilliance. Itara linga is located at the Ajna chakra in the kundalini passage in the Sushumna nadi.
It is linked with Rudra granthi one of the three Granthis or knots who pose a obstruction to the flow of Kundalini Shakti.
The deity associated with the Ajna Chakra is Ardhanarishvara, symbolizes unity of both Shakti and Shiva.  Ardhanarishvara is a symbol of Shiva's all-pervasive nature and  of creation of universe, by Shiva and Shakti. Shiva controls the rational logical thinking and right side of the body. Rational thinking means mental deductive planning and hypothesizing. These are considered  to be masculine vibrations or Yang. Shakti is seen as the source of intuition and creativity, instinct, feeling, sense of joy and wonder and this controls left side of the body. These are the feminine vibrations or Yin. Shiva known as Purusha, is aware consciousness or universal consciousness. Devi known as  Prakriti or Shakti, is the dynamic principle of the Universe in the unfolding action of Creation, Sustenence and Laya.
The Ardhanarishwara, the masculine- feminine, Shiva Shakti merged, united, integral has always been the ultimate goal and aspiration of the yogis. 

Seed syllable:
Ajna chakra's  seed syllable is "Om".

2. Second Bindu:
It is the gate between the spiritual and the causal realm.  From the creative side, it is the point at which all of the ideation or creation begins to take form.  It does this through the three gunas: sattva, rajas, and tamas which have been in equilibrium up to this point of creation and, they are not yet in physical forms. They are not yet physical reality. This Bindu is one of the three emanations of Shakti-Bodhini which are Bindu, Kale (bija) and Nada.  Bindu is the Shiva aspect, Kale is the Shakti aspect as Bodhini, and Nada is the union of the two.  
3. Manas chakra:
Manas chakra is part of Ajna system just above the  Ajna chakra proper.  Manas literally means mind.
Manas Chakra or mind chakra is
the seat of the thinking mind. It is the center of the Sense awareness present inside the brain
4. Indu Chakra :
It is also known as Moon Chakra or Soma Chakra, Chandra chakra. It has 16 petals and is the Seat of buddhi or or wisdom. It is frequently confused with Bindu or Shikha Chakra but both are different. Indu Chakra is on forehead just above Manas Chakra and belongs to Ajñā System and Bindu or Shikha chakra kshetra is on posterior fontanelle. Indu Chakra is the seat of Buddhi or knowledge wisdom whereas Bindu chakrae (Shikha Chakra) is seat of nector.
Indu chakra is below the Sahasrara system and above the Manas Chakra.  It represents the Manifestation, Creation energy of the Consciousness.
Indu chakra is visualised as a lotus with 16 petals. Its symbol is the moon, which supports life and the growing of vegetation. 
Indu chakra is connected to the Pineal gland. When Indu Chakra is awakened, the Pineal gland and Third eye are activated too and active pineal gland means having greater awareness, psychic and empathic powers, vivid dreams, lucid dreaming, and greater imagination and creativity.This Chakra benefits eyesight, quietens the emotions and promotes inner harmony, clarity and balance.
Its divinity is Shiva or Shambu, who is portrayed with the crescent moon in his hair.
5. Mahanada:
Mahanada belongs to Ajñā System.It is above the Indu chakra and below the Nirvana chakra of Sahasrara system.
Above the Indu Chakra and closely related to it  is the site of Mahanada.
Nada means sound, tone, or vibration. Nada-veda says the universe was created as pure vibration. They called this cosmic sound Nada-brahman, and it is the sound vibration of the "Om ॐ", Pranav, a pure unstruck first sound of Universe.
-✍️ Dr Prema Pangi
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