Shika chakra or Bindu chakra:Bindu visarga

Shikha chakra or Bindu chakra:
Bindu is a point at the back of the head where Brahmins grow their tuft of hair. 
The Bindu chakra bestows physical and mental health, vitality and youthfulness, as it produces “the nectar of immortality” (Amrit).
The 8th chakra Shikha or Bindu chakra is the doorway between the immortal soul and earth-bound personality.
Often referred to as the soul chakra  it is the seat of divine love, spiritual compassion and spiritual selflessness. It is the most mysterious and remarkable energy centre in the human body. Opening your 8th chakra and stepping through the veil that separates your earthly self from your eternal soul will open your eyes to the vast space beyond the physical plane (Bayalu darshan)
 Anatomically it is located where the bones of the back and sides of the skull meet (the occiput and the parietal). The direction of the stream of cosmic energy flowing into the Chakra can be seen quite clearly at this point. 
in Tantra Yoga great importance is attached to the healing and rejuvenating effects of this Chakra.
Whilst this energy centre “sleeps” it is similar to a dot, but when awakened its energy begins to flow or to “drip”. The Bindu Chakra produces truly astonishing effects. It is a “health centre” that brings about improved physical, psychic and spiritual health, and is therefore a valuable aid on our spiritual journey. It also helps to quieten our emotions and brings harmony and a sense of wellbeing.
With the help of this Chakra one can control hunger and thirst and overcome unhealthy eating habits.
Concentration on the Bindu Chakra can also be beneficial for depression, nervousness, feelings of anxiety and an oppressive feeling within the heart. A slight pressure with the fingernail on the site of the Bindu Chakra gives rise to a spontaneous feeling of happiness that spreads to the heart. When a child is restless and will not go to sleep it helps to gently massage the Bindu Chakra with soft circular movements for a few minutes – the child will soon become quiet and sleepy.
But the most outstanding effect of the Bindu Chakra is the production of AMRITA, the nectar of immortality.
Mantra for Bindu chakra:
Lead us from unreality to reality
Lead us from darkness into light
Lead us from death to immortality.

On the physical level this means that with the awakening of the Bindu Chakra the Pineal Gland, which is connected to this centre, becomes active. This gland emits a hormone that has a “fountain of youth” influence on both body and mind. This is why the Rishis gave it the name “Amrita”, nectar of immortality. 
 The Vishuddhi Chakra is responsible for the purification and detoxification of the body.

 Yogis endeavour to keep their body healthy for as long as possible to enable them to complete their spiritual development in the current lifespan.
And this is why the Rishis, in ancient times, sought methods by which this valuable nectar could be gathered within the body and its benefits utilised. They found that they could control the flow of nectar with the help of the Vishuddhi Chakra and the tongue. The tongue possesses subtle energy centres, each of which connects to a specific part of the body or organ. Udāna Prāna, one of the five main Prānas (vital forces), works within the Vishuddhi Chakra and this Prāna Vayu activates the muscles in the throat that control the swallowing of food. Udāna Prāna also directs energy to the head. When the nectar is held firmly in the Vishuddhi Chakra and influenced by Udāna Prāna its effect is set in motion.
Exercises for the Bindu Chakra :
Khecharī Mudrā 
 Khecharī Mudrā In this the tongue is rolled back as far as possible until the tip of the tongue reaches deeply into the Pharyngeal cavity. Then the nectar that drips down from the Bindu Chakra can be caught. In order to be able to roll the tongue back far enough some practise is essential. Yogis achieve this by carefully stretching the ligament beneath the tongue, gradually lengthening it through gentle pulling. In this way the tip of the tongue can finally reach the Uvula.
Ujjāyī Prānāyāma and Jālandhara Bandha (Chin Lock).
Ujjāyī Prānāyāma is a breathing technique with concentration on the process of breathing in the throat. The throat is contracted slightly so that the air flowing through it produces a soft sound, as in deep sleep. Through Jālandhara Bandha the flow of energy is briefly interrupted and the Prāna is held in the throat .
Viparitkaranī Mudrā
It is known as The Energy Regeneration Poseas  the nectar flows towards the throat in this inverted position and is prevented from being burnt in the Manipūra Chakra.
Agnisāra Kriyā
 Meditations on the Bindu Chakra.
The symbol of the Bindu Chakra is the MOON; therefore it is also known as Chandra Chakra (Moon Centre). In the inner Cosmos, which is seen by our inner eye in meditation, the Bindu Chakra appears to have a circular opening with a lid almost completely covering it, and from this some light shines forth through a small gap. This glimmer of light that is the emanation of the radiance of the Self in the Sahasrāra Chakra is similar in appearance to the slender crescent of the new moon. If the Bindu Chakra is fully awake and open it shines brightly with a silvery sheen, like the Full Moon.

3.Bindu Visarga

Bindu Visarga or the falling of the drop of Nector 
Bindu Visarga is said to be the source of Bindu fluid, which contains a nectar and a poison. The fluid is released from the Bindu chakra, can be stored in the Lalana chakra at palate and purified in the Vishuddha chakra in neck. When the Vishuddha is inactive the fluid flows to the Manipura chakra, where it is consumed and burnt leading to physical decline. Through practice of Khechari mudra, a practitioner can manipulate the flow of the fluid from the Lalana to the Vishuddha chakra where it is purified to amrita.
According to the Hatha Yoga Pradipika, a hatha yoga practitioner can prolong their life by controlling the flow of the Bindu. The tongue curbs the flow of nectar and stores it in the Vishuddhi chakra. Like medicine it is then redistributed throughout the whole body via the subtle energy channels, where it has healing effects. 
-✍️ Dr Prema Pangi


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