Kundalini Yoga 1

*Kundalini yoga*1
Kundalini meaning is circular or  snake or coiled. Kundalini-Shakti means serpent-like coiled energy, that rests at the base of the spine. It is dormant in most humans, but everyone has the potential to arouse this to higher consciousness and further expand it to reach oneness with the cosmos. This spiritual energy is said to lie dormant in 3 ½ coils. Kundalini shakti is the Prana-Shakti (life-force energy) of subtle body and becomes the link between the physical body and the casual body. It is a major source of our internal power. 
 Yoga is a spiritual path. It never advocates any difference between differant nationalities, differant religions, differant castes, rich-poor classes and male-female sexes. Basic principle of yoga is "all living and nonliving things and infact the entire universe is created by one God or by one source". We bow before that divine source with humility, devotion and we surrounder our ego and everything else and ask to bestow us the grace of  merging within that like a drop of water merges with the sea. Spiritual paths may be different but destination is always the same for all aspirants. "Yoga is the path for self realization".
  Having born as humans is considered the greatest blessing and hence human life should not be wasted only in mundane things. Walk the spiritual path to reach the final destination of Oneness. Looking after God's creation rests with all of us.
Yoga is very ancient science. Ancient sages of Satya-yuga (Saptarshis) knew about it and also documented it in many ancient texts. It was there before all religions came into existence. Many religions adopted it with some modifications. To follow this pathway conversion to any religion is not required. But to progress in this path it is important is to leave behind all dogmas, superstitions, fears, concepts imposed engraved in our psyche by different religions. Be like a child. Chakra system is the pathway undertaken by Shakti who resides at Mooladhar chakra to reach Shiva, the most auspicious at Sahasrara chakra. Aspirant follows the same pathway following the Shakti the Mother goddess, like a child who follows the mother, fearless and with full trust.
Bala Ganesh (child form of Ganesh her son) is at Mooladhara chakra for two reasons. One is Ganesh pooja is considered necessary before starting any new work as he removes all obstacles. Second we should be like a child following the mother. We should crave and demand like a child, to unite with the parents.
Kundalini yoga primarily is the yoga of Siddhas. Siddha means the one who has attained enlightenment and possess great mystical abilities or powers. Siddha is the one who has realized his Oneness with the supreme God 'Shiva' and has merged as completely as humanly possible with this Divine source. This realization, brings limitless Bliss and direct command over the many powers in the universe(siddhis). There are many accounts of miraculous powers demonstrated by the Siddhas. But getting these powers over the elements is not the object of the siddhas; it is the merging with the Shiva that is the main object.
These highly realized Siddhas used to roam all over the country and help greatly in spiritual practice of many sadhakas.They functioned as a spiritual teacher cum guide to the aspirants.They used to listen to the owes of the common people and help them guide them in anyway. While giving deeksha or initiation the Guru used to take the promise from the aspirant that he will use his powers to help and heal the suffering common people. Now a days it is difficult to get such a selfless, self realised gurus or siddhas. One thing that strikes us is enlightened Buddha, Bodhisatvas, Moses and Jesus also roamed from place to place to help the common people just like the enlightened Siddhas. They all dedicated their lives in the  upliftment of the suffering humanity.
- ✍️Dr Prema Pangi


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