Indu chakra

Indu Chakra or Moon Chakra or Soma Chakra: (16 petals, Seat of Buddhi)

This Chakra is known as the Indu, Chandra or Soma chakra. It is frequently confused with Bindu or Shikha Chakra but both are different. Indu Chakra is on forehead just above Manas Chakra and belongs to Ajñā System and Bindu or Shikha Chakra is on posterior fontanelle. Indu Chakra is the seat of Buddhi or knowledge wisdom whereas Bindu or Shikha Chakra is seat of nector.
This point is below the Sahasrara system and above the Manas Chakra.  It represents the Manifestation, Creation of Consciousness.

Indu chakra is visualised as a lotus with 16 petals. Its symbol is the moon, which supports life and the growing of vegetation. 
Indu chakra is connected to the Pineal gland. When Indu Chakra is awakened, the Pineal gland and Third eye are activated too and active pineal gland means having greater awareness, psychic and empathic powers, vivid dreams, lucid dreaming, and greater imagination and creativity.This Chakra benefits eyesight, quietens the emotions and promotes inner harmony, clarity and balance.
Its divinity is Shiva or Shambu, who is portrayed with the crescent moon in his hair.
 The Mantra is SHIVOHAM. 
This Chakra is colourless and transparent.
The Indu Chakra is an important centre for health, giving us the power for physical and mental recuperation.  With the help of this Chakra we are capable of controlling hunger and thirst and gain the ability to overcome unhealthy eating habits. Concentration on the Indu Chakra relieves anxiety and depression, nervousness and also feelings of oppression in the heart.

In Tantra it is called Chandra, Chandra mandala, Kailasa, Shakti, Nadanta and Soma.
In Upanishads it is known as Indu, Shitangshu mandala, Sixteen pettelled-Anahata, Shambhavasthana.
In puranas it is called Kailasa, Shakti, Vidya-pada.
Location is above Manas Chakra.
Lotus colour is moon-white
Seat of Buddhi (intellective mind)
Petals number sixteen, arranged from right to left contain 16 qualities of Buddhi or intellectual mind.
1 Mercy; 2 Gentleness; 3 Patience; 4 Non-attachment; 5 Control; 6 Excellent- qualities; 7 Joyous mood; 8 Deep spiritual love; 9 Humility; 10 Reflection; 11 Restfulness; 12 Seriousness; 13 Effort; 14 Controlled emotion; 15 Magnanimity; 16 Concentration.

In the pericarp of the Lotus is a circular moon region - within this - a nine-cornered region - within this-
the isle of gems - within this -
Bija mantra -
 Ham (हं ) with Sa(सा)
 Hamsaहंसा ಹಂಸಾ (swan) in the form of a swan from where Nāda origins.

Deity of Indu Chakra:
Parashiva with his power Siddhakali 
 In the Ham Mantra's centre is 
Parashiva with his power Siddhakali .
It is site where siddhis are bestowed.
by Goddess Siddhakali. 
- ✍️Dr Prema Pangi


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