Manas chakra

Manas Chakra: (6 petals, seat of Chitta) 
Manas chakra is part of Ajna system just above the  Ajna chakra proper.  Manas literally means mind.
Manas Chakra or mind chakra is
the seat of the thinking mind. It is the center of the Sense awareness present inside the brain. Location of Kshetra is lower forehead just above Ajna Chakra above bindu (.)peetha on top of Om pranava" ॐ" in Ajna Chakra. It is below the Indu chakra (Buddhi chakra or wisdom center). Second Nada is posterior to it in the same level. It  is the seat of Chitta (Prajna, Awareness). Manas Chakra is a lotus of six petals, on the petals of which are 6 letters.
It is the center of the sense awareness five senses corresponding to five basic elements.
 Hearing (Akasha), 
Touch (Air), 
Sight (Fire), 
Taste (Water) and 
Smell (Earth) plus 
Mind (centrally initiated sensations in dream and hallucination).
Manas chakra is associated with Chitta, which represents consciousness or psyche, and the subconscious mind and the memory.
It a Lotus flower with 6 petals representing the 5 Senses and the 6th Intuitive sense.
It has six petals with six letters on them.  It is white in colour but assumes the colours of the senses (yellow, white, red, ash, and white)  when senses operate. The sixth petal is black which becomes active in dreams and altered states of consciousness.  The interaction with subtle levels of reality takes place through the sixth petal. That is why 6th petal of this chakra is very important for the control over dreams and learning techniques , works in the Sushupthi stage (deep sleep) and altered states of consciousness .The Chitta is in pericarp of the Lotus.
Manas Chakra gives rise to intuition and intelligence.
Manas is in the shape of a radiant splendor. Though limited by the physical body, it is capable of experiencing infinite joy and pain which the other senses are incapable of perceiving. 
Manas chakra cleanses and purifies  the mind brain.
Kumbaka Pranayam:The practice of Kumbaka pranayama (pause of breath after inspiration) increases intuition and intelligence. Chaitanya or Consciousness in this chakra is attained by a sustained practice of Kevala kumbhaka pranayama (pause after expiration).
Affermative statement:
"I am intuitive and intelligent. My 5 senses are acutely heightened including my 6th intution sense where I can go into altered states of consciousness"
- ✍️Dr Prema Pangi
#ಪ್ರೇಮಾ_ಪಾಂಗಿ, #Manas_chakra


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