Spanda - part 1

 Spanda - part 1  
🌷 Spanda - part 1  🌷:
The initial creative impulses arose as spandan or thought-vibration of the Pure Being. There appeared a universal desire to manifest, like an eternal spring, joyfully over-flowing and always poorna full.
Spanda, means “divine vibration”, or divine pulse. Consciousness, at the subtlest level, moves in waves of contraction and expansion. Spanda is the creative pulse of the Absolute as it manifests into the dynamism of relative form.
 The sound that emanated from the vibration was AUM. Hence it is called Pranava or first sound.
 Spanda enters into the states of Pravratti or creation, Sthiti or maintainence and Saṁhṛti or dissolution (laya).
 "Pravṛtti" is to go toward external things, 
"Sthiti" is to maintain those very external things for a while.
 "Saṁhṛti" is to dissolve those things in one's own Self.

🌷 Spanda Karikas 🌷 :
Spanda Karikas is a classic text of Kashmir Shaivism.
 "Kārikā" means collection and explanation about a philosophical subject. 
''Spanda" means  the divine vibration out of which everything arises and which permeates everything. Spanda is the dynamic aspect of Chit-Shakti both at the universe level and at individual level.
🌷 Svarūpa-spanda 🌷:
At individual level  spanda is the energy of the Self. Spanda is not merely a philosophical concept, it can be experienced and felt directly. The author of "Spanda Karikas" is Vasugupta (800 – 850 CE), Kallata, a disciple of Vasugupta (825 - 900 CE.) both belonging to Kashmir Shaivism.
Svarūpa-spanda is one's own essential nature as the Perceiver or Experiencer. This limited individual can not direct the will or desire of manifestation. Yet, by getting in touch with and abiding in its own essence ie energy of the Self, that person becomes equal to "That essence - Shiva" in whom all this universe rests and from whom it has come forth.
Even in all the states of Consciousness, the principle of Spanda continues to flow. Spanda does not ever depart from Its own essential nature as the Perceiver or Experiencer.This state of spanda is described as
 *Wherein there is neither pain nor pleasure, 
nor object nor subject; 
wherein the state of insentience does not even exist...
 that is, in the highest sense, the principle of Spanda.
🌷Chakra patterns, Mantra, Seed mantra in Kundalini yoga 🌷:
Chakra patterns of the Kundalini yoga are geometric shapes formed by different sound frequencies.
 In Cymatics study  the sound and it's  vibration make visible patterns. (The study is done usually on plate or membrane). 
Mantras of Kundalini yoga are the sound or Nada lasting for minimum of seven seconds in Echo mode touching and inflencing the paricular chakra in our body.
 Each Chakra has its own geomagnetic pattern, mantra and beeja or seed syllabus.
In its transcendental aspect, it is difficult to establish contact with the Supreme Being. The approach through Sound, is referred to as Aparam Brahman and this approach through sound is considered as most preferred way. As the sadhaka delves deeper within, he realises that his physical, subtle and casual bodies with their senses, the mind and chatushta karanas ie Aham  (self-identity), Mānas (emotional spectrum of like & dislike), Buddhi  (the intellect  which processes information and various outcomes), Chitta (the awareness of inward consciousness) all have sound as their basis. Sadhaka reaches sound before he reaches the Eternal Self.
🌷Anahata Naad 🌷
Anahata Naad is located within the sushumna nadi  that extends from the base of the spine to the crown of the head. Anahata Naad is the unstruck, mystic sound that occurs spontaneously and is not the result of striking or beating of things. Depending upon the intensity of a seeker's concentration and the level of his mental purity, Anahata Naad can be distinctly heard in deep meditation.
Supercharged with transcendent soul-force, sound is the powerful principle that widely influences all other manifestations.
- ✍️Dr Prema Pangi


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